Monday, March 8, 2010


Ever have a friend who kinda wasn't always a friend? A frenemy, perhaps? It seems like the line gets blurred easily. Has a friend ever teased you, but it wasn't really funny, but more mean? How do you handle this? And why do girls sometimes focus conversation and gossip on others' body shape and size? Is it to make themselves feel better? Do you think guys do this? Our Pine Lake Sisters said that they've heard mostly older girls talking about this kind of stuff, like girls getting 'rated' or called fat. The group consensus was to not put up with it if you hear it. If someone insults you, don't take it, but also make sure you don't insult them back...then you're no better than they are. If the person won't listen to you, the Sisters agreed that it was good to ask for help from parents, friends and your school. They also thought it unburdens you to talk about a problem with someone else. What do you think?

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Happy Thoughts Rule!

Well, a lot of us have hit the Winter doldrums. It's the time of year when it's still dark and kinda cold, yet there are signs of Spring everywhere. Problem is, we're only a month into Winter. What's a Sister to do? Well, today at Sisterhood, we had a sweet little discussion about things that make us happy. You know, raindrops on roses...that kind of thing. Here's the list of our favorite things:
*laughing babies
*being outside in any weather
*thoughts of summer, including swimming pools and diving boards
*the rain
*being with friends on the soccer field
*special time with my mom
*my mom, in general
*getting a puppy (Ms.Hill will be bringing Maisie home in a few weeks...)
*lighting a candle on a cloudy day
*the beach (this one is from the birthday girl, Ms.Hardy)
*watching people dance
*the clean and fresh smell of the air after it rains
*a good practical joke--both playing one and being the recipient

What are your favorite things, Sister? Leave a comment...

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Healthy Risk-Taking

First, bring a well-loved recipe to share with your Sisters and we will put together a cookbook for you to enjoy.

Second, let's talk about taking risks. Teacher Sister, Ms. Knutson, shared about her 17 year daughter taking a risk and trying out for a play. She had always wanted to be in a play, had no experience and just went for it. She got a part and while it was challenging at the beginning when she didn't know any of the 'theatre kids' or what to expect from play practice, she soon got the hang of it and the other kids took her under their wing. She had a very positive experience, absolutely loved it! And Ms. Knutson loved watching her daughter try something new and kinda scary into a positive experience!

We asked the Sisters what risks have they have taken in their lives. Here were some of their responses:
* One Sister always wanted to enter Reflections but didn't think she was good enough. Now she's in the top 2 in the district and going to State.
* One Sister tried out for a play, and even though she didn't get a part, she still felt she did well and is encouraged to try again.

And here are some dreams that they hope to make come true:
* to invent a pollution-free car
* to start a tiger sanctuary
* to be a rocket designer for NASA
* to be a professional screen writer in Hollywood
* to be an architect and own her own firm
* to be an author

What's your dream? And Sister, what's stopping you???

Thursday, January 14, 2010

What's Cookin' at the Sisterhood

Today, we started chatting about FOOD! Turns out we have many budding chefs in our Sisterhood. Many Sisters shared their favorite things to cook, from baked goods to Swedish pancakes, to Thai and Mediterranean dishes. We also reminisced about our favorite foods that our family members cook. If we hadn't been eating lunch, I'm sure there would have been lots of growling tummies! Maybe one of these days, we'll even do an after-school cooking event? Would you be interested? Leave a comment! What would you like to learn how to cook? Sharing good food with good friends is Sisterhood at its finest! Bon Appetit!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

New Year's Resolutions AND The Paper Bag Princess

Happy New Year, Sisters! Today we talked about our new year's resolutions and then read the children's book, The Paper Bag Princess (thanks, Ms. Knutson). Several Sisters shared their resolutions. Many wanted to read more, get more exercise and improve their grades. What's your new year's resolution? Please comment!

We also read the fantastic book, The Paper Bag Princess. The main things about the book that jumped out at us were:
* Don't judge someone based on their appearance.
* Keep trying...don't give up.
* Stay true to your beliefs.
* Call a bum a bum.
* Recognize that it takes courage to break pre-conceived expectations and do the right thing.

Any other thoughts, please leave a comment. See you next week, Sisters.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

A Season for Giving

Today we talked about this Season of Giving that is upon us. Our PLMS gift drive is a thing to behold, but we also wondered if the Sisters have any family traditions of giving to those in need during the holidays. Several Sisters shared about ways they give, such as adopting a family, donating animals to families in need through Heifer International, volunteering your time, or even keeping some one dollar bills or quarters in your pockets when you're out shopping to give to the Salvation Army bell ringers. Every little bit helps! And it feels good to give to others who need more than you do.

What do you do to help others during the holidays, and anytime, really? Please leave a comment...who knows, you might just inspire someone else to give.

Peace on Earth, good will to men (and SISTERS)!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Sage Sisters

Today at Sisterhood, we talked about a letter from the Ask Amy column in the Seattle Times. Then we asked the Sisters to weigh in with their advice. Here's the letter:

Dear Amy,
My husband and I have a 6 year old daughter. Looking down the road, I'm wondering, how do we help her to develop a sense of self-respect and self-esteem? In a society where thin is everything and being popular is a matter of selling yourself out, what message should we give her? I'm not in the Dark Ages but not sure how to give our daughter the armor she needs to go forth and be her own person. --A Mom and Dad

Here's the advice our Pine Lake Sisters gave:
* No matter how you look or what people tell you, you're always you and that's beautiful! Don't let anyone tell you who you should be. And don't be someone you're not.
* Buy clothes you like, ones that make you feel good. Don't buy something just because it's trendy. I have a friend who wears red plaid every day because she likes it (Shout out to Fiona!!).
* You reap what you sow. Your actions and behaviors come back to you, so do good things an good things will come back to you.
* People are unpredictable. Be ready and open and people may surprise you.
* Never join in with bullying. Anyone who bullies someone else is probably miserable inside.
* Don't judge someone based on their appearance.
* Be your original self.
* Sometimes you don't know who you are or what your personality is. It takes time to figure this out, so give yourself some time and be patient (this is actually a lifelong process).
* Give your kids a chance to be responsible with money and in other areas of life, too.
* Don't give kids everything they want because they won't be as appreciative. Also others can't really relate and may also feel jealous. If you have to work hard to earn something it feels good and satisfying and makes you more confident and self-reliant.
* Choose your role models wisely. If you idolize a celebrity, ask yourself why? Is it for her internal qualities or for external ones?

You know, it's funny that the Sisters gave practically the same advice as 'Ask Amy'. If you have other advice to share, please leave a comment! I think it's important for all Sisters, young and older (ahem!) to do our best to take this excellent advice and incorporate it into our lives. Thanks for sharing your wisdom, Sisters!