Today at Sisterhood we continued on from last week's discussion with our 9th grade Sister, Audrey, and talked about the inner drama we all experience. In A Lunch, we mostly focused on how we're viewed if we're in a certain clique or group. It seems like the word 'clique' has a very negative connotation, where 'group' seems to be more neutral. The Sisters agreed that a 'clique' is exclusive while a 'group' is inclusive. Some Sisters said that the cliques were even worse in elementary school. And one Sister shared that at lunch, her 'group' looks around for people who seem to not have anyone to sit with, and they invite them to join their table. Now, that's true Sisterhood--we have to look out for each other!
In B Lunch, we mostly talked about ways we've struggled and in some cases, conquered inner drama. One Sister talked about how she used to be shy, but has learned how to be more comfortable with herself, which has enabled her to come out of her shell. Another Sister is really comfortable being a quiet person and doesn't care what people think. In her words, "I have myself and I have my friends, and I'm cool with that." Another Sister talked about how she does care what people think, because she wants them to see her and understand her for who she really is. Some Sisters talked about messages from their parents (Have a boyfriend! Don't have a boyfriend!)that can cause inner drama, too.
What kind of inner drama have you struggled with and if you've overcome it--how did you do that? Please share--we Sisters have so much to learn from each other!
I was the first person to share that I am not longer shy. I am ALWAYS upset about people judging and misunderstanding other people, like "troublemakers." I am friends with lots of people who get into trouble (not seriously) and I learned that we should not sterotype them.
Also, I think that I am not shy because of teachers. They had me find my passion and speak about it. (Thanks Ms.Wagner!)
For all You stereotyped quiet people:
i find this has some good tips...
i think that the main way that You can overcome inner drama is to find where it's coming from...if it's coming from society, then the key is to talk: anything else, the key is to confront it....
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