Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Random Things About Us

For the last few weeks, we've been sharing random facts about ourselves; little things that make us unique, things that please or displease us, facts that few know. It's been fun to see the connections between the Sisters when someone shares a random fact and others go, "Me, too!" I think if we look for similarities with our Sisters, we'll find some every time, and it will only greater affirm WHO we are. It's our goal for the Sisters to all have a strong sense of self--shine on, Sister.
Here are some things you may not know about the Pine Lake Sisters (teacher Sisters, too):

I am bilingual
I hate when people change their opinions based on who they're around
I like to have really late conversations with my friends on the phone
I used to have relationships with stuffed animals
I am deathly afraid of the witch from Snow White (in hag form)
One of the things that got me through middle and high school was choir
I love pink!
I despise tobacco and wish it had never been invented
I come from 2 different cultures
Being outside inspires me a lot
I dislike science
I am overly addicted to anime-manga
I enjoy drawing legs
I adore all animals (bugs/insects don't count)
The only type of movie I'll watch is horror
My favorite color is yellow
I love to make homemade coffee cake and eat it for breakfast. Cake in the a.m.!!!
I don't know half of my heritage
Happy music makes me sad
I don't like it when people hover over me
Reading a book on a summer day in my hammock makes me very happy
My favorite color is orange because it's a bright color and my mom says I'm a bright
Nothing feels as home-like to me as the last house in Israel that I lived in, even if
my mom says that this is our home
When people talk about mean stuff, I just nod my head
I used to be in a band and loved it
My school and the teachers and students are like a 2nd home and family
I have a like/hate relationship with my computer
I hate having my hair styled
I love it when people are happy because of something I did or made
I kinda wish cell phones would disappear
I've never had a cavity or broken any bones
I used to hate my red hair, but now I love it!
Whenever I get ticked off, I go sit on the end of my dock
My favorite word is 'llama' because it sounds cool
I have moved 3 times into a different country
Pretty much all I drink is milk
I like the smell of pine pitch
My favorite toy is a stuffed animal turtle who I sleep with
I like to knit
I like to get into a freshly made bed with clean sheets
I unicycle
I love peanut butter and jelly
I used to have a HUGE Scooby-Doo obsession
When I was little, I my brother always had his friends over and I wanted to hang with
them, so I was 'one of the boys' and I played football, war--anything to hang
with them...
I don't let guys hug me
I love the rain (and wind) and get depressed when it's sunny
There's a wall at my alma mater, PLU, dedicated to my family
In my free time, I dance around while listening to music
My brother has saved my life at least 3 times
My greatest dream is to own a small farm someday
I find shiny things amusing
Almost all my cousins are in the army
I'm a girl, I play video games and I'm proud of it!

Leave a comment about yourself!!!!

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