Thursday, October 29, 2009

A Sexy Halloween??? Now That's SCARY!!!!

Today at Sisterhood, we talked about all things Halloween. One of the things we've noticed is that almost any costume marketed toward a girl (big or small), is now SEXY. A sexy witch, a sexy cat, a sexy zombie cheerleader and on and on...What is up with that? Some Sisters thought that it might be done to make more money for the costume companies, because $ex $ells. Or maybe it's because some girls today (older teens, mostly) want to show off their bodies and get attention from guys. One Sister said that girls used to want to just look pretty, but now they want to look sexy. What do you think? Please leave a comment and give us your opinion.

I also asked the Sisters how many of them had ever dressed up as a princess for Halloween? Almost every hand in the room went up. Why do you think this is? Please leave a comment!!!

Have a very happy and safe Halloween, and just say NO to SEXY costumes, Sisters!


Anonymous said...

I think that us sisters dressed up as princesses because when we were little almost everyone thought that they were a princess!

Anonymous said...

I dressed up as a princess a lot when I was younger, and it was great!!! I think that we (girls) dress up as princesses because we want to show what we really are... princesses!!!

Anonymous said...

I might have gone out as something sexy if I had gone trick-or-treating this year. I would do it because none of the boys notice me and I really want them to!

beca said...

hi! this is rebeca, a former sister. i was in the sisterhood my three years at plms and loved it. my plms sisters are now sisters for life, and im really proud for y'all to keep doing this.

im very happy you guys are talking and sexy costumes. its a huge deal at pcfc. halloween was like how it was in Mean Girls. it was pretty bad. some girls even wore leggins under there sexy costumes and wore it to school. i think those girls don't know that guys don't fall for that stuff.

I'll contact someone at plms so i can come visit after my finals!!!
And if you are wondering, we are in the process of making a sisterhood here, but its very hard to organize. See you guys soon!