Thursday, November 12, 2009

We Believe...

Talking about princesses at last week's Sisterhood got me thinking about how I believe we are responsible for our own happily ever afters. Then I started thinking about other beliefs that I hold true. So today at the Sisterhood, we broke into groups and finished the sentence, "I believe..." Here are some of the things we believe... the power of small kindnesses. balance, i.e. joy balancing sorrow and so on. one should have teh right to tease or pressure anyone else. our faith. chocolate!
...that you can transform yourself into whatever you want--like when you're swimming and you pretend you're a mermaid. :-) individuality.
...that you choose to be happy.
...manners go a long way. hard work. curiosity and questioning.

What do you believe? Please leave a comment and don't. stop. believing. (hold on to that feeeeeeeling...80s song reference...sorry!)


Anonymous said...

I believe that we all believe in our self. Weather it is to get good grades or just trying to be our self's. I think that we all have a strong confidence in our self's, and think that we can achieve great things everyday.

Anonymous said...

I believe that kids should try and be their selves instead of what their parents want them to be.
I'm ambitious so for my final cooking project, I wanted to do something hard. My Mom just made me lose my confidence by telling me I couldn't do it and I would fail. We should make our own decisions and I think we should prove that we CAN achieve great things!