Thursday, December 10, 2009

A Season for Giving

Today we talked about this Season of Giving that is upon us. Our PLMS gift drive is a thing to behold, but we also wondered if the Sisters have any family traditions of giving to those in need during the holidays. Several Sisters shared about ways they give, such as adopting a family, donating animals to families in need through Heifer International, volunteering your time, or even keeping some one dollar bills or quarters in your pockets when you're out shopping to give to the Salvation Army bell ringers. Every little bit helps! And it feels good to give to others who need more than you do.

What do you do to help others during the holidays, and anytime, really? Please leave a comment...who knows, you might just inspire someone else to give.

Peace on Earth, good will to men (and SISTERS)!


Anonymous said...

I gave some money to one of those Santas that are outside of store and ring their little bell with a bucket of money next to them.

Anonymous said...

i help my friend carry her instrument to school every morining

Anonymous said...

i help my friend carry her instrument to school every morning