Today at Sisterhood we talked about what it means to be feminine. Sisters in both lunches pointed out the stereotypes like, wearing pink all the time, being girly, being pretty, and looking delicate and tiny. Also in both lunches, Sisters firmly rejected these stereotypes as being untrue and constrictive. Don't box us in! An A Luncher said that stereotypes were created in order to take away people's uniqueness. Many Sisters voiced that they want to be appreciated for being multi-faceted individuals. One Sister wisely said, "You have to think out of the box to be out of the box." And it can be a battle with outside forces seemingly working against us: the media, and even our friends and families, at times. The Sisters talked about our inner and outer selves. One Sister said, "You can be feminine without being girly." Another said it's like choreography--expressing yourself from the inside out. No one wants to be stereotyped. Here are some ways we came up with to help prevent it:
*Be friends, or at least be friendly to everyone
*Don't judge others
*Be open to new people; you never know when someone will surprise you.
Trusting yourself and wearing yourself every day is a true celebration of your femininity, Sister!
1 comment:
i say come to the Light, because we're awesome! we don't throw away money on designer lables just to have them outdated 2 days later, we get new clothes when we grow out of our old ones or they're too ripped up to wear.
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