We had a fun discussion at Sisterhood today. It ranged from Cirque du Soleil to Twilight. We discussed the lure of the bad boy, the rebel; a guy with confidence to be himself, in an edgy sort of way (not a dangerous sort of way). Does the bad boy persona appeal to you? Why or why not? We also talked and laughed about our crushes on fictional characters, such as Edward Cullen, Harry Potter, Capt.Jack Sparrow, and even certain anime characters. Who's your fictional crush? Leave a comment, Sister!
i think girls like "the bad boy" because the girl knows who he is. its easier to like someone if you know exactly who he is. but most guys are much more than their appearance.
i have a fictional crush on several Harry Potter boys. :D
I think that the appeal of bad boys is that they have confidence, but still sort of need guidance and acceptance and affections and all that stuff, and it feels good to give love/friendship.
Well, i have to admit...i have a crush on Edward >.< He's just so sweet and awesome and one of the few people who ISN'T always in other people's business and just so...d'awwww...<3
...And Elinor was awesome too. Sense and Sensibility was an awesome book. =D
(...Who is this Cullen you speak of...?)
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