Today at Sisterhood we discussed the role technology plays in our lives. A lot of the Sisters talked about the huge amounts of texts they send and receive each month. Several Sisters don't text at all and felt like they weren't missing a thing, while others wished they had phones so they could text. Sometimes, though, texting removes us from actually communicating face to face or on the phone with our friends. While it may be quicker, it's less personal. Like when PLMS kids get out of school and they instantly start texting their friends...who are walking down the halls right next to them! What's your opinion on texting? Please leave a comment and tell us.
We also talked about online social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter. Some Sisters mentioned how friends who use these sites are actually less social with them that before. Do you think that's ironic? We also talked a little bit about feeling left out if you're not on Facebook, Twitter, or MySpace. Have you ever felt like this? Please leave a comment.
We'll talk more about this next week, as many girls still had things to say when the bell rang. In the meantime, enjoy your technology, but don't let it shield you from the face-to-face interactions that are what real life is all about. See you next week, Sisters!
I think facebook, myspace, twitter, etc... are stupid. people could lie and youd never know it. my moms a cop and forbids me to go on any of these things so i dont see what's so great bout em?!
i think you should go on facebook and twitter and text but not like every minute of your life.
i don't have a facebook, twitter myspace, ect., but i do have a cell phone. i like that better because you can only text people whose phone numbers you have.
i think that facebook is okay if you know what you are doing but i really don't think texting is that good because people every were you go is texting and is might be okay to do it time to time but not 24/7. because you don't know if you are talking to your friend because they might pass there phone around then every one will know what you wrote..... all in all you have to be careful in every thing you do and you have to know you limits.
facebook, twitter myspace, ect. is stupid an you could acidatilly give out your address and get robbed or worse...
I kinda like Twitter and things like that. Like what if there's an emergency like your dog is dying or something and you don't know what to do and you cant reach a vet? You could tweet and with the millions of people on twitter, I bet one of them might be a vet or something.
Twitter can be good, but you need to know your limits.
Twitter Facebook and texting are fine, as long as you say stuff in the writing that you could say in person!
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