Thursday, January 28, 2010

Happy Thoughts Rule!

Well, a lot of us have hit the Winter doldrums. It's the time of year when it's still dark and kinda cold, yet there are signs of Spring everywhere. Problem is, we're only a month into Winter. What's a Sister to do? Well, today at Sisterhood, we had a sweet little discussion about things that make us happy. You know, raindrops on roses...that kind of thing. Here's the list of our favorite things:
*laughing babies
*being outside in any weather
*thoughts of summer, including swimming pools and diving boards
*the rain
*being with friends on the soccer field
*special time with my mom
*my mom, in general
*getting a puppy (Ms.Hill will be bringing Maisie home in a few weeks...)
*lighting a candle on a cloudy day
*the beach (this one is from the birthday girl, Ms.Hardy)
*watching people dance
*the clean and fresh smell of the air after it rains
*a good practical joke--both playing one and being the recipient

What are your favorite things, Sister? Leave a comment...

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