Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Healthy Risk-Taking

First, bring a well-loved recipe to share with your Sisters and we will put together a cookbook for you to enjoy.

Second, let's talk about taking risks. Teacher Sister, Ms. Knutson, shared about her 17 year daughter taking a risk and trying out for a play. She had always wanted to be in a play, had no experience and just went for it. She got a part and while it was challenging at the beginning when she didn't know any of the 'theatre kids' or what to expect from play practice, she soon got the hang of it and the other kids took her under their wing. She had a very positive experience, absolutely loved it! And Ms. Knutson loved watching her daughter try something new and kinda scary into a positive experience!

We asked the Sisters what risks have they have taken in their lives. Here were some of their responses:
* One Sister always wanted to enter Reflections but didn't think she was good enough. Now she's in the top 2 in the district and going to State.
* One Sister tried out for a play, and even though she didn't get a part, she still felt she did well and is encouraged to try again.

And here are some dreams that they hope to make come true:
* to invent a pollution-free car
* to start a tiger sanctuary
* to be a rocket designer for NASA
* to be a professional screen writer in Hollywood
* to be an architect and own her own firm
* to be an author

What's your dream? And Sister, what's stopping you???

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