Today we talked about Pine Lake's upcoming kick-off of our new food recycling program. It's on March 30 and it's going to be amazing. We have the opportunity to reduce our garbage here by at least 50%!
I wondered how green the Sisters are. Turns out, very green. We discussed how being green is a mindset. Sisters in both lunches noted that in other parts of the country, it's not easy to recycle nor do people have the recycling mindset. We are lucky to live in an area where it is, and to go to a school where it's valued. Several Sisters even talked about how seeing litter on the ground actually makes them mad! The Sisters are all about proctecting our big Sister, Mother Nature. Here are some green things that they do:
* not using paper lunch bags--instead get a lunch box with a smokin' hot picture of Johnny Depp as Capt.Jack Sparrow on it! :-)
* being a vegetarian
* having a recycling bin in your bedroom
* helping your parents remember to recycle and compost (parents didn't grow up doing this stuff!)
* shopping at used book stores or using the library
* shopping at thrift stores-you never know what kind of recycled treasures you'll find!
* volunteering at PLMS to be a lunch monitor/composting trainer (thank you!!)
What green things to do you do? Please leave a comment!
on Earth day, you could turn off all the lights for a certain hour.
Also, when you go shopping and the person asks, "Would you like a bag?", say no, and put the object in your purse or handbag, or a bag from another store. also, paper is better than plastic when it comes to recycling.
Just get rid of newspapers rather than nitpicking, and we'd be cool...
spread the word by wearing green and recycled shirts and other clothes!
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