Today at Sisterhood, we talked about princesses! We discussed why so many girls have played princess dress-up games and here were some of the reasons:
* because princesses always live happily ever after
* because it's a fun costume to wear and you feel pretty
* because we like to emulate our favorite fairy tale princesses
* because we like to fantasize about someone else rescuing, pampering or just taking care of us
* because we like to dream and use our imaginations.
But...several Sisters also had some other thoughts. Some thought being a princess is overrated. In real life, being a princess is a lot of work! Real princesses have to know about world events, foreign policy, politics and may even be the ruler of their country. Some thought the media and even parents are guilty of marketing the 'princess ideal' to girls. And some Sisters didn't care for the message that you have to wait around for your Prince Charming to rescue you! One Sister even said that a true princess isn't afraid to rescue herself! Love that!! Other Sisters identified with the new movie, 'The Princess and the Frog.' They liked how she's a strong princess who saves others, and doesn't sit around waiting for others to save her. The Sisters also liked how she is ethnically diverse from most other princesses; that not all princesses are white. Princess Fiona in the Schrek movies also is a strong role model who is very capable and comfortable with her looks, even though they may not be considered conventionally beautiful. The Sisters also mentioned the Princess Protection Program as a show where the princesses are positive role models, too.
I think we can agree that it's all about balance. Enjoy your princess fantasy, but be responsible for creating your own happily ever after!
What do you think? Who's your favorite princess and why? And what are you doing to make all your own dreams come true?
Some girls might dress up as Princesses because some of our parents called us Princess when we were younger and they gave us shirts that said 'Daddy's little Princess'. So, because they are around all these "princess" things they think they are meant to be one and dress up as one.
I really wish I was a princess like in a movie because their lives are so much simpler! I don't wanna have to deal with all the stress of real life or have to do homework. I just wanna do what "I" want to do instead of things "PEOPLE" want me to do.
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